Originally Posted by sector24
Politics is far too deceptive for me to glean any kind of understanding. I can only understand my own position and even then it's hard to say which candidate will serve me better or if either candidate will serve my interests at all. (I suspect the only one looking out for me is me)
This is exactly how they want you to feel. If you are stuck looking for a candidate who is best for
you, then they can spend all of their time trying to convince you that they are the best candidate for
you. As long as they can avoid the issue of who is the better candidate for
the nation, their chances of election are much higher.
The simple fact, as NTJedi hints strongly at, is that our bureaucracy has become aged and bloated. Our forefathers never intended for their systems to remain mostly intact, with just a bunch of stuff tacked on, for this long. They knew that the best way to avoid corruption, was to reinvent government from time to time, to make it leaner, meaner, and less abusable.