Call me stupid, but I can't really figure out
where all those masses of strongly religious people in the U.S. who go nuts about abortion and gay marriage,
are when they should defend the "right to live" of less fortunate people (EXPECIALLY immigrants) who can't afford health insurance for them and their children
(Dt 10,18; 14,28-29; 24,17-20; 26,1-11; 26,12-13; 27,19; Lv 19,34; 23,22; Sal 72,13; 146,9; Mt 15,21-28; Lk 10,25-37)
Maybe some good believer which thinks those people don't deserve those cares despite what the Bible and Jesus said (or even mister KO, who knows about religions far better than me, but I'd prefer first hand material

) can enlighten my mind... (After all, I'm just a poor Agnostic/Buddhist/Taoist living very far from US...)