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Old November 2nd, 2008, 05:10 PM
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Default Re: New Nation: Dragons, Magic Incarnate now with preview

Quick bug report:

Summon Death Wraith Dragon is summoning unit 3022 (Wave Dragon) rather than unit 3027.

Nice mod, but I think that all these thug/battle mages summonable at 25 gems each might be a little high on the power scale.

As regards access to the summons: at Con 6, you can empower one of your S2 dragons once each in E and S, then you can build rings of sorc/wiz. They let you get Wave Dragons, and therefore Storm Dragons. The Ivy Dragon pretender (chassis of choice, surely), if you build him as N4D4 (cheap, and regen is a useful bless), lets you get Vine and Death Wraith summons. It seems you can get Magma Dragons as heroes if you take a luck scale, and they can summon more of the same.

The top end are definitely tougher to get, though.
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