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Old November 2nd, 2008, 06:05 PM

Mithras Mithras is offline
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Wait a moment, is someone seriously suggesting that the guy changed his name TO something with Barack Hussein Obama?
And further more he did this to endear himself to the american voters?
Is anyone else spotting something wrong with this?

Oh and on Tifone's point... well I'm hardly an authority on the matter but it seems fairly obvious that not everything that is written in holy texts can be true as they are often contradictory, for example:
You are told to love your neighbour, but at the same time you are told that god destroyed a whole city because the men fancied other men. Oh and it (god, to aviod genderism issues) killed an innocent woman for watching the destruction. So if you have a neighbor who happens to be gay then you naturally don't like them very much because you don't want the neighborhood turned into a crator, but on the other hand you've gotta love them... bit of a pickle.
oh and to derail further, who's bright idea was it to lump the old testament in with the new one... we could have had a moderately peacefull western religion if we'd just left some of the old stuff out

Disclaimer... if this offends pm me and I'll remove the offending bit promise.