Originally Posted by chrispedersen
'Be reasonable. Do it my way.'
I find it generally useful to inform others - that barack obama changed his name. So I'm afraid I shan't be following your prescription.
If you are so bold to even claim that there are legal problems, then you should have hard evidence to back that up, and I hardly think that you're able to do that, hence your claim is without reason. From what I have seen, the absolute only documented source about a differing name is a school registration as "Barry Soetoro", made by his stepfather at the time. That is hardly a binding document about a namechange, no matter what some people try to stylize it to be. Those people then go on and claim that there's no document where the name change "back" was registered, deducing a lot more smut from that false premise, when they don't even have a document where the name change "towards" Soetoro can be seen. Poor magician's trick?
So unless you do have documented evidence, other than deliberations on conspiracy- and attack sites, that Barry was more than his nickname, and you shouldn't try to answer this if you don't, your accusations are without ground and nothing more than a bad try at trolling.