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Old November 5th, 2008, 02:57 AM
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AdmiralZhao AdmiralZhao is offline
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)


So .. our competitors are in ruins; the democrats have more or less 40 years in power; and according to you they do an excellent job of managing the economy and world affairs.

Yet - if thats so how do our competitors, by 1980.. catch us? How does europe rebuild? How does Russia become a military power on par with us? You'd think that if the democrats did such a stellar job - there was no way anyone else could catch us.

Or is it in fact because perhaps in fact - that other nations - and not just one or two - but whole HOSTS of other nations.. exceeded us.
Yes, I too blame the Democrats for helping Europe rebuild after WWII. o_0