Originally Posted by chrispedersen
No, actually his birth certificate is *not* available. He refused to make it available. He had a copy of a birth certificate posted on his website for a few days; it was rumored to be that of his half sister.
Point is - no he never submitted a birth certificate to the courts. Takes all of ... 5 minutes right?
Obama's campaign released his birth certificate on June 13, 2008 and launched a fact-check Web site named Fightthesmears.com in response to allegations that he doesn't have a valid birth certificate, and in response to allegations that he would be muslim (which isn't true as well).
The state's Department of Health director of Hawai‘i released a statement verifying the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama birth certificate.
It takes me less than a minute to look up these things in Google and debunk your stories, again and again, I wonder why you don't manage to do that yourself. Again, conspiracy sites and attack sites are hardly the right source of information. If you'd make a minimal effort to check the facts yourself you wouldn't have to make such a poor impression here.