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Old November 5th, 2008, 05:31 PM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

I'm pretty sure it's beyond all shadow of a doubt. If there's really anything to this at all, then I'll be amazed and shocked.

It's just a meaningless gripe, is the problem. Can anyone honestly suppose that if Obama really wasn't a citizen of the U.S., that it wouldn't be a debate, it would be a certainty? Every journalist in America would *love* the exclusive rights to that story. They'd kill for it. It's nothing more than a silly conspiracy theory--exactly the kind that we love in this country. The fact that Mccain's citizenship was also questioned just makes it even less valid, and much more petty.

Yes, I do think that the President of the U.S. should be a citizen of the United States. I absolutely do, so that answers that question. I just don't for one minute believe that Barack Obama *isn't* one.
I don't even waste my time wondering. I-infact-rely on the legal system of this country to present to me such questions, and to deal with them in a timely, efficient fashion.

Do you have any real, actual, physical proof that he's not? If so, please forward it to the Washington Post or the NY Times. I'm sure I'll hear about it eventually. Why you waited a whole entire year to present your incontrovertible evidence is beyond me.

In the meantime, there are real, serious problems that need to be solved.
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