Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)
By the way, Barack Obama was, as far as I know, born in Hawaii, which is an actual state. Mccain was born in Panama, which is not a part of the United States. The fact-again, as far as I know-that he was born in a sovereign state of the U.S., is-honestly-good enough for me. If you can prove that he was born somewhere else, then please keep me posted. Being born on U.S. soil does it for me--which is why I consider Mccain to be a valid Presidential candidate (and I personally consider him to be a fine human being, and a great American, just so you know where I stand. My mom likes him too.), and Arnold Schwartzenegger not to be.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
Last edited by HoneyBadger; November 5th, 2008 at 05:48 PM..