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Old November 5th, 2008, 10:18 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Originally Posted by HoneyBadger View Post
Ok, well, I'm glad that's straightened out. Now that he's President, it's good to know that he's a citizen of the United States. Thanks for clearing that up, Chrispedersen.
Honey, you meant the comment flippantly. And you are not practising the tolerance you preached a mere two? posts ago.

First, Barrak is not the president of the United States, he's the president elect.

Second, this is the reason these kinds of things matter.

IF Barack was found not to be a natural born citizen (and no I don't think it will happen) it is entirely possible that his selection as President would be voided. His inauguration would not be legal.

And if you thought 2000 was bad, all hell would break loose. This is one of the reasons I thought these kinds of questions should have been resolved back in August.