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Old November 6th, 2008, 12:13 AM
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PashaDawg PashaDawg is offline
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Thumbs up Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)


I am quite pleased that Obama won.

However, I agree that our electoral system should be tweaked to foster the viability of political parties other than the two major parties. (I am satisfied with the overall system in the Constitution, with the three independent branches of government and the various checks and balances.)

To loosen the hold of the two major parties, I wonder if a simple change to the options on the ballot might help substantially. Here's what I suggest:

1. For each political office, the voter would get to vote for a first choice and a second choice. This would encourage voters to choose an "alternative" party first and then hedge with the second; and

2. The voter would also always have a third choice, which is "none of the above". If "none of the above" is chosen by the majority, then a new election is held and the previous candidates are excluded from the ballot.

I think there would be wrinkles to iron out, but I think these simple changes could have a profound effect.

They could probably be first instituted on a state level (e.g., state legislators and governors), perhaps by a citizens' referendum. In Maine, for instance, citizens can use a petition process to get laws passed by a referendum on the ballot and thereby circumvent the state legislature and governor. No doubt the two major parties would oppose these measures.
