Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)
Chrispedersen: You're misunderstanding how the legal system works. It's not a matter a judge deciding what the American people have or don't have the right to know. It's a matter of who does or does not have the legal standing to bring a particular lawsuit in a particular venue. The guy who brought that suit didn't have the legal standing to bring it so it was dismissed.
Now...there are plenty of people who could have challenged Obama on this, who did have the standing to bring such a suit. I guarantee you that if the McCain campaign thought for an instant there was anything to this at all they would have been all over it. In fact, that extremely canny and aggressive campaigner, Hilary Clinton, would have nailed his *** three ways to sunday on it before he even got out of the gate if there was even a vapors wisp of a snowballs chance in the devil's anus that there was a legitimate issue here.
No one but the fringiest whack job tried to bring the suit, because no one but the fringiest whack job thought there was anything to it at all.
And now back to our regularly scheduled Monkey PD Monkey PD Monkey PD!
Last edited by Tichy; November 6th, 2008 at 12:28 AM..