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Old November 6th, 2008, 01:43 AM

sum1lost sum1lost is offline
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Originally Posted by licker View Post
Why on earth would you want to label most scientists as being democrats? and far left leaning democrats at that?
Actually, I've heard this as well, and if it wasn't almost 1AM here, would be looking up the sources where it could be found, as I read it in some rather serious nonfiction not two weeks ago. Many of the attitudes found in the right, specifically those personified by Gov. Palin, don't seat well with the majority of scientests, nor do the many crusades some members of the right have fought against science. Seriously, most of the objections to the idea of global warming, stem cell research, evolution, environmental calamities in general etc have come from right (primarily the religious right at that, though big business has played its part at times).

Add to that the fact that scientests, as a whole, tend to be very irreligious, and they tend to step even further away from the right on many issues.
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