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Old November 7th, 2008, 03:05 PM
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Lightbulb Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Originally Posted by Bwaha View Post
If you want to whats really going on, research UN agenda 21. I think you will be rather dismayed. Our local dear leaders have started implementing it here and our ability to rebuild on our own land is being held up by non-issuance of building permits.

After all owning a home in the mountains is not a sustainable development. They want to build a Stalinist housing complex that is connected to mass transit. no need for cars, thats not sustainable. Our little community is a test project for this agenda, And I think it stinks.

I think I'm gonna follow Albert Einsteins example, split before they close our borders. They (the government) have been allowing the construction of private owned prisons, quite a growth industry. I wonder who they intend to populate these complexes with. If you want more info on this look up corpwatch.

Those who don't remember history are bound to repeat it. I hope I'm proven wrong in these fears. Truly I do.
"And I, for one, welcome our new insectoid overlords."

That seems a little apocalyptic to me, Bwaha Sen. Obama elected president 3 days ago, and already your community is part of a giant stalinist civilian-imprisoning secret conspiracy? Wow, that guy is fast I hope he solves the global warming with that speed too

(Great that at least they're letting you denounce the conspiracy here on the board before the imprisonment )