Originally Posted by Bwaha
If you want to whats really going on, research UN agenda 21. I think you will be rather dismayed. Our local dear leaders have started implementing it here and our ability to rebuild on our own land is being held up by non-issuance of building permits.
The full text of Agenda 21 was revealed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit), held in Rio de Janeiro on June 14, 1992, where 179 governments voted to adopt the programme. The final text was the result of drafting, consultation and negotiation, beginning in 1989 and culminating at the two-week conference."
Looks like this must have been signed on behalf of the US - by Bush Sr.
In 1997, the General Assembly of the UN held a special session to appraise five years of progress on the implementation of Agenda 21 (Rio +5). The Assembly recognized progress as 'uneven' and identified key trends including increasing globalization, widening inequalities in income and a continued deterioration of the global environment. A new General Assembly Resolution (S-19/2) promised further action."
How dare they oppose globalization, inequality, and deterioration of the global environment. Those Stalinist cads!