Originally Posted by Bwaha
After all owning a home in the mountains is not a sustainable development. They want to build a Stalinist housing complex that is connected to mass transit. no need for cars, thats not sustainable. Our little community is a test project for this agenda, And I think it stinks.

And here I was always building mass transits like crazy in Civilization, thinking that all that they do was reduce pollution from population. Never did I imagine that they'd invite Stalinism through the door. BRB, I have to demolish a few buildings - traffic-choked streets sound far better than open communism, what was I thinking...
Originally Posted by Bwaha
I think I'm gonna follow Albert Einsteins example, split before they close our borders. They (the government) have been allowing the construction of private owned prisons, quite a growth industry. I wonder who they intend to populate these complexes with. If you want more info on this look up corpwatch.
Hmm. Maybe those detainees from Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp and from those illegal CIA prisons that need a new home?
Originally Posted by Bwaha
Those who don't remember history are bound to repeat it. I hope I'm proven wrong in these fears. Truly I do.
Nothing comes of history but history. Fear is the mind killer?