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Old November 10th, 2008, 01:46 PM
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Default Re: New Nation : Cantabira, Land of Standing Stones

A few new things in Cantabira:

- New summon (First ones, sorts of neandertals).
- three new heroes (Eldest of Elders, Forever king and Undying).
- some corrections of typos in descriptions.
- two new pretenders.

Sorry for having been so long, and don't worry if Cantabira take a bit of time before being released, but I'm currently... hmm sort of modding something else. It's called "My Couple LA", and it takes place in Late Era, you know, this age when all things are going on the road to ruin & all that was once great, strong & beautiful is becoming sad remnants of a former glory...

Well, I still don't know, but it may (or may not) lead me to mod something I should call "My Divorce EA", with the utmost dreadful and unspeakable Doom Horror known as the Attorney ... Hope not, we'll see (and if somebody has the fortune teller ability, please I have bad events to prevent ).
It's better to be GoRed by a nature mage than gored by a boar...
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