Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
I just had another weird thing happen. As of last turn I was down to one province with an income of 19 or so. I had an upkeep of approx 441. Fortunately (or so I thought) I had saved 531 gold so as to be able to hold out a bit longer. I had arranged to sell some things last turn to gain a total of 400 gold.
This turn I get the messages that my gold has arrived but instead of the approximately 500 gold I expected to have in my treasury I have only 146.
I haven't looked too deeply at the numbers to figure out what plus what equals what and so be able to determine if I didn't actually get the $ or whether there is a screw up in something else but I thought it interesting.
On another minor aside I found out that one cannot cast Iron Walls if one has any turns remaining from a previous Iron Walls spell.
Turns available if needed!