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Old November 12th, 2008, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: Doedicurus - Introductory CBM (PBEM, Llamaserver) - Game Full!

Originally Posted by rabelais View Post
With regard to the map... I found the listing on llamaserver, but the only thing I can download appears to be a 356k PNG... is that what I need or has it been so long since I played in an MP game, that I have completely lost even basic skills?

In other news... I still have like 8 pretender designs to choose from. If only I knew which scales were needed for the large (or small and permanent (+money events.) Anyone have hints on minimum order/productivity?
luck will give you the events but they will come in big burts rather than a fixed income, for cash order tends to be a good idea, growth is better than productivity for cash because it's the same income percentage boost but you're population is also growing which means more taxes over time.

try an imprisoned oracle, you can take order 3, growth 3 and luck 3 and still have points to spare, if you need extra points (unlikely with an imprisoned oracle with no bless)you could try drain - you're mages (you are man right?) slightly resist a drain dominion though i believe it still has some effect.
Melita Mod
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