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Old November 13th, 2008, 05:11 PM
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Default Re: Yokai units for Yomi (Jomon, Shinuyama, etc.)

Thanks for posting, and for the compliment about Aksum, Kristoffer

With the Yokai, I intentionally avoided anything that I saw you mention, or any directions I saw you going in, but I hope I didn't squash any plans you had for the future... Although they could be applied to Jomon, or Shinuyami, these particular Yokai are really intended only for Yomi, to give them access to a bunch of undead units, and that's how the finished mod will turn out. Someone other than myself would have to take them and add them to Jomon or Shinuyami. It wouldn't be hard to do, since they're just new sites, and they remain thematic, being Japanese spirits, but the benefit and balancing will be based on Yomi.
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