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Old November 14th, 2008, 12:03 PM
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Default Re: All MA Nations Game - "ComfortZone" - Signup/Open/Recruiting (4 left) - starts 11

Alright, the map is complete!

I lucked out with the random map generator, getting a map with 345 provinces (15 per player, with proper proportion as sea) in a "surrounded single ocean" configuration.

Here's what it looks like:

I've made 20 land starts and 3 sea starts (yellow dots), all of which are randomly assigned. Nobody will start on the Southwest landmass, which intentionally can't be reached by sailing. All start locations have at least 6 neighbors, and have at 2 indy provences between the nearest enemy.

The map looked like crap as a wraparound, so I'm trying something interesting to keep the corners from becoming un-dislodgeable safehavens: the 3 corners of the Northeast landmass are interconnected caves (red dots); similarly, the 3 corners of the Southwest landmass are interconnected caves (orange dots).

It's available in Post #1. Please download and check for errors. And please give feedback.

Now to figure out how to upload to llamaserver....
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