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Old November 16th, 2008, 07:36 PM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: Keeping Kristoffer in the dark.

I don't have a cd, dvd, or floppy drive on this computer. No printer, either. It's all in the cause of security. I could email it, but I find that less than satisfactory, and emails tend to get lost too, especially since all I have is AOL. Objectively, it's a fairly sucky situation, overall. The only real upside is the high speed internet access, that I didn't have before, but I have to pay for that myself.

It's a whole lot better than nothing, though, and the computer itself was free with the job (and I love my job), so I can hardly complain

As far as it meshing with the rest of the post, I was just replying to llamabeast's suggestion.
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