Thread: In-Game Typos
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Old November 17th, 2008, 06:00 AM
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lch lch is offline
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Ashdod is a dry wasteland inhabited by the Rephaim, giants decended from the Nephilim of primordial times. The Rephaim have degenerated and lost the prodigal powers of their predecessors, but they are still mighty in comparison to other beings. While not as mighty as they once were, there are still a few Rephaim with pure blood. In the twin cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon live the Anakim, mightiest of the Rephaim, and the Anakite priest-kings. With the disappearance of the Nephilim and the pureblooded Rephaim, the Nephilim Cult has been replaced by ancestor worship. Malikum, Rephaite kings of old, are worshipped at sacred banquets for the dead. The Kohanim of earlier times have been replaced by the Zamzummim, priest-mages and shepherds of the dead, who fullfill their purpose in life by being devoured at the funerary banquets.
When the Star fell into the sea the Basalt City and the Dark Crystal were destroyed, the reign of the Basalt Queens was ended and the surviving Atlantians reformed the kingdom. Atlantis is an underwater nation of strange beings resembling a cross betweem fish, frog and human.

Last edited by lch; November 17th, 2008 at 06:19 AM..
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