Thread: Mod Banned Spells
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Old November 17th, 2008, 10:59 AM
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Default Re: [mod] Banned Spells

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post
I couldn't find it anywhere as a separate mod, so I extracted it from Kingmaker mod. Credit goes to Xietor for that It is quite common to get that spells banned in bigger MP games.

It is very simple mod that simply disables Utterdark, Arcan Nexus, Astral Corruption and Burden of Time. and bannedspells.tga in .zip file, in attachment
I must confess lack of experience with these "bigger MP games", and am wondering why each of these spells are commonly banned? And I notice that Wish (commonly banned in Dominions 2?) isn't in this list?

On an unrelated note, I'll probably ban Wish in my mods when there's powerful summons that should cost more than 100 astral pearls... *sigh*... if only "Armageddon" and some other 'sub-spells' could still be preserved,
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