Thanks for the support, everyone. I don't have any negative issues about this at all, it's just a confounding dilemma.
Gandalf, I'm afraid I don't know Linux. Do you remember BASIC? I know a little BASIC...One time I wrote this awesome program that made this little yellow ball bounce across a screen. Other than the competitive game element, it was almost as good as Pong-and unlike Pong, my program had color!
well, it had one color

Yeah...I miss BASIC.
My problem is that I have a whole lot of time to research new ideas for Nations, but not that much time to actually complete them, since I work on the phones all day, and can read online, but can't do actual work very well, so it's easy for me to develope Nation ideas, but not so much to do graphics or .DM coding, so that's why I do all the planning posts.
And if anyone here ever wants to create a Nation, but they don't know what they want to make, please let me know! I've got tons of ideas, good ones, I think, that I'll probably never, ever find time to complete myself.