I was dealt Jotunheim for this game, and for the first time ever in my dominions career I went for a heavy bless strategy. (Though even now I went with E9/N8 over dual 9's in favor of squeezing 3S on my pretender in order to be able to eventually forge the rings with boosters. Due to circumstances I never even got around to forging them, but I still think that in order to actually challenge for the win - as opposed to just hang around in early game and then slowly peter out - the S was worth it. )
Expansion with blessed giants was a breeze, and I was right along with the leading nations early on. When expanding towards the richer middle part of the map though, I started to get worried about leaving my flanks unguarded, and when I noticed that Caelum was completely surrounded by me and Gath, leaving them with no way out except through one of us, I decided to attack them, slowing down my expansion in the middle. Looking back this probably was a mistake, and by the time I looked to resume my expansion again Ashdod had me surounded.
So I was then faced with the choice between attacking Ulm, (who I thought I should be able to beat, but only with difficulty) turning my back on the already powerful Ashdod, or attacking Ashdod (who I knew to be stronger than me) in the hope that his other neighbours had also identified the threat and would join me against him.
Not having much faith in my fellow men - and shortly afterwards starting to see many other nations at war with each other - I instead sat around twiddling my thumbs, seeing my early game advantage quickly disappear. I did keep watching for the slightest sign of others gathering forces to attack Ashdod, ready to throw my full weight at them too, but didn't see anything of the kind untill Ashdod attacked me, conquering every single one of my provinces in one single turn, leaving me with nothing more than a last stand or two in my castles, which I organised as well as I could, but didn't really hurt him badly. (even though I managed to win one)
So, very well done Calmon. Even though I had my full attention focused on you from the beginning of the game, I never even managed to be a speed bump. Nice play.
Pasha thanks once more for the smooth hosting, it was a pleasure, as it was the last time.
A final word on the map: It felt really weird, having two enemy capitals so close by on either side, while at the same time having enormous amounts of space to expand towards in the middle. While certainly not a 'standard' setup, I kinda liked the change of pace of having to mentally juggle beween expanding as far as possible and not leaving your flanks uncovered. Even though I probably didn't deal with it as well as I could have.
Last edited by Amhazair; November 18th, 2008 at 01:26 PM..