Thread: Guide Jotunheim MA Guide
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Old November 19th, 2008, 06:38 AM
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Default Re: Jotunheim MA Guide

I wonder what are the opinion WRT to MA Jotun and dual bless?- Is it considered a sound strategy?

If so, what are the "best" bless path pairs?- I know E9N9 is very popular for giants, for obvious reasons.

How about W9N9?- You'd say fatigue will kill you and that's right, unless I plan for equipping Jarls with reinvig items. Or plan for short battles, or rush to relief.

How about F9 and either E/N/W 9?

What about S,D and B probably not worth it. Twist fate is useful for low HP sacreds (though MR bonus is good). Affliction chance and death weapons are good for deterring SCs, but I'm not certain its solid enough for a game plan. Strength bonus is mostly irrelevant for the giants.

Any opinions are welcome
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