Thread: Guide Jotunheim MA Guide
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Old November 19th, 2008, 10:24 AM
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Default Re: Jotunheim MA Guide

I haven't played MA Jotun in a long time, but a dual bless doesn't seem to be worthwhile. You really don't have any decent sacred troops (in the long run), so the only folks to benefit from your bless will be commanders. Jarls, mainly. So what can you get them with a dual bless? Well ... not much that you can't also get with the right magical equipment.

I think the OP's strategy of Good Scales is a better choice. E9 is always a good bless, because it adds to whatever armor & reinvig you can provide with magical items. Also, your E9 pretender can cast Forge of the Ancients to beef up your magical item assembly line. So I might go for E9 -- or for two minor blesses -- but I wouldn't go higher than that.

Then again, there's no substitute for experience. Try a dual-blessed MA Jotun and let us know how it works!
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