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Old November 20th, 2008, 01:15 PM

krpeters krpeters is offline
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Default Re: Elemental/Dom 3 comparison on the Elemental forums

Well, that was an entertaining flamewar to read...

The critic of Dom3 did raise a number of good points. But he failed pretty badly on the issue of combat resolution. The reason it is so important that dominions uses AI battle resolution is because it would be painfully tedious to use manual resolution. This is precisely why I don't play RTS games, and why I gave up on MOO3. I got sick of manually herding my units around.

It's a pity the AI sucks it. Then again, it doesn't suck nearly as much as the AI in RTS games and MOO3... probably precisely because you're so dependant on it that the developers have been forced to improve it.
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