Just wanted to bump this up and mention I've been playing this game pretty regularly. I think it's got a decent similarity of the gameplay elements of dominions which makes me think there'll be a large overlap in appeal. You "design" your race, try to figure out clever combos and strengths of your race, then once the game starts there's a pretty deep strategy of trying to outmaneuver your opponent and exploit his weaknesses. Plus, you can get a full game in in about 30 minutes, so it's convenient for when you're waiting for your next dom turn.

There's even a community run "Newb Open" where they post challenges for new players who can win uncommon cards (common cards are freely given by the community to anybody who needs them). Anyway, $10 buys a lot of game (theres also a free demo to check out), so if anybody wanders over there drop me a line and I can help you flesh out your common cards.