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Old November 25th, 2008, 04:42 PM
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Default Re: Beware of Ashdod

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect
I'd much rather see people present some of the weaknesses of Ashdod, or explain an advantage that other nations have that they lack. The argument is that Ashdod has too many items in their tool kit for other middle-age nations to match them given equal player skill.
One main weak point for Ashdod is their dependence on their capital. Their only sacred recruitable troops are cap-only, as are their two best commanders.

I propose the following strategy:
  1. Find Ashdod's capital. Cast Astral Window on it.
  2. Cripple the capital with Rain of Toads, Raging Hearts, and other Unrest-causing spells. If you have spies, use those too. Crank that Unrest as high as it will go and keep it there!
  3. ??? (Deal with the troops Ashdod already has ... somehow.)
  4. Win!

Another weak spot is supply. Giants are hungry, and Ashdod doesn't get any native Nature magic to help them feed their troops. Many Ashdod players will probably design their pretenders with some Nature magic for the bless, so they'll get there eventually. Even so, the pretender is only one unit, and he/she/it will usually have more important tasks at hand than forging Cauldrons and Wineskins....
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