Originally Posted by lwarmonger
Ulm wishes to officially announce its entry into the Coalition of the West against the evil, decadent and undead empires of the east. Already Ulmish troops are pouring across the border into Atlantian territory, liberating the toiling masses from Atlantis's tyrranical yoke.
The Great Spirit Hunter (may he be praised) welcomes the news! Oh, what carnage will be wrought, and what legions of wounded and sick there will be, all to be healed by His hand, which is most holy.
Come, come, you imperialist Westerner alliance, to the land of Mictlan, and see our great factories and industry. Look upon our enthusiastic manufacture of Coyolxauhqui Stones, for production is up an amazing 600% from last month! And just this week the agricultural workers of Mictlan from across the nation planted trees in the arboretum of the Kunal Ermorian Citadel and the Winter Peaks Revolutionary Site on Monday. Come see our nice trees!
-- Mictlan