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Old November 27th, 2008, 05:16 PM

Archonsod Archonsod is offline
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Default Re: Why Not Digitial Distribution?

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
WOW that would totally suck with this game. I cant even begin to think what it would be like to go back at this point and play with the vanilla version right off the disc.

But Im not sure it would be true with all games. The difficult part is tracking whether or not a game is authorized to receive the patch. Minor patches might not be a big deal but full upgrades would be.
It depends on the distributor. Steam and Direct to Drive have their own DRM wrapper on the game, so nine times in ten you can't use the retail patch on their version. Gamer's Gate tends to provide the install ripped straight from the CD, so functionally it's identical to the retail release (in most cases, I recently bought Gothic III and they were kind enough to provide it pre-patched to 1.6, which they pointed out "means it can work with the community patches". Jolly nice of them I thought).
Impulse goes one better though; Stardock's intent is to allow you to register any game they carry regardless of where you bought it (primarily via CD keys and the like) so you can use the automatic update feature of Impulse with the game, which would be kind of neat for something like Dominions. Since it's verifying on CD keys no authentication issues either.

It would be nice to see Dominions up there on Impulse, although 99% of my problems with having the game shipped across the pond would be resolved if they'd just write "gift" on the customs declaration. Saves me £15 if her majesty's finest decide to poke around in my mail.
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