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Old November 30th, 2008, 08:07 PM

lwarmonger lwarmonger is offline
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Default Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!

It looks like Sauromata's war against the Agarthans is (finally) beginning to draw to a close. The Abysians remain remarkably resiliant however, fighting Agartha, Ulm, Miclan and Sauromatia in turn (although now the noose is tightening, the Abysians being saved only by Sauromatia's "Agartha first" policy and the full scale war that has broken out between Mictlan and Ulm).

Just for histories sake, Sauromatia would like to make it known that we primarily relied on easily mass produced androphag archers with limited cavalry support to hold Abysia down to mere acceptable territorial conquests (the wastes Abysia pushed into hadn't been searched for magic sites yet and had negligable incomes) while the vast bulk of our army attacked Agartha. Given the fight that the AI has put up, I would say that things were probably about even between the Agarthan-Abysian Alliance on one hand and the Sauromatian Empire on the other when the human players bailed.
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