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Old December 2nd, 2008, 04:23 AM
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Default Re: Will there be a Dominions 4

Originally Posted by Trumanator View Post
That would be interesting. more doable than an RTS for example. However, it would also make games exponentially longer. Imagine Kingmaker with people having to fight every single battle! And it would kinda stink if they went with the current TW multiplayer, there wouldn't be any metagame
I think the best way, would be to make the gameplay somewhat modular.

That is, leave the tactical battles there for SP play, and for MP skirmishes like in Total War now.

But provide an enhanced interface for automated battles, to allow MP to work just as it already does in Dom3. One of the weak points of recent iterations of TW is that automating battles seems to just simulate "everyone rush to center and brawl", as evidenced by the propensity for generals to become seriously injured or dead. Adding the ability to script out smaller battles at 1/10 the time of playing them out (less if you win and use the same script), but keeping the ability to have the epic tactical battles, would accentuate the good parts of both, and make them both useful.
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