Originally Posted by MaxWilson
Why to take high Air: Fog Warriors and bootstrapping into Air Boosters (equals: lots of Fog Warriors). Cloud Trapeze is nice too for an SC although it only needs A3.
Blood Vengeance on B9 would be crazy strong. Even if it's resisted at MR +4, DRN have a high variance and arty mages would not-infrequently find themselves blasted by their own spells. B9 would instantly go from the weakest bless to one of the top two. Doesn't seem wise to me.
I could live with making curse and horror mark unresistable, but I'd rather make them trigger on a hit as well as on death. That is, a B9 unit can curse and/or horror-mark you if you fail an MR roll.
Your argument of the Air-bless is not convincing.
Cloud Trapeze is an A2 spell(not A3), and the two major air-boosters require only A4, thus even A10 can never do it better than an A4 rainbow.
I think zlefin's suggestion is fair. If we make the effect be trigger by a hit, the problem is against some elite troops you can never hit them, and they are also very likely to have good MR resistance.
I believe the original idea of B9-Blessing is not to make tough guys even tougher but to counter other sacreds by sacrificing your cheaper ones. This enable another option for the strategy and is always more welcomed.