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Old December 3rd, 2008, 09:45 AM
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Default Re: Things I'd like to see pXXV

Originally Posted by Agema
I like to imagine a province without PD as not just being without a garrison, but lacking infrastructure, administration and governance from the capital. In such cases the scout isn't physically attacking, he's exploiting the void in central authority to bribe the local dukes, tribal chiefs, satraps or whatever with promises of wealth and power, so they switch sides.
And capturing an empty province with Call of the Winds? Are the Black Hawks carrying bags of money in their beaks?

Certain situations remind me that Dom3 is, in fact, a strategy game. Realism must bow to gameplay.

Say ... how exactly are Blood Slaves instantaneously transported from a laboratory on one end of my empire to another laboratory that's hundreds (or thousands) of miles away? And before you answer with "Magic," remember that those Blood Slaves can be transported before I've even done any magical research.

Back to the OP: I don't like the idea. Forts are expensive. They should offer some defense -- even if empty -- by slowing down the attacker's conquest.
More Trollz mod for Dom3
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