You should talk to Man and Ulm about calling the game now, and probably Atlantis too.
I think you will find they have other ideas! If Ulm's got legions of Vampire Counts, he doesn't care about BoT or AC. Man is doing quite nicely, though the northlands between the mountains and river are not as pleasant a place to live as they used to be. They still look better than the homelands of post-apocalyptic Mictlan.
Marignon has probably suffered the most collateral damage as the result of the insanity of the Ghost of Hunter (may he burn in hell). Oh, how different this world might have been if it had been Marignon on Ermor's border, and not Mictlan!
In any case, we send our regrets to Marignon, who supported us long ago in Mictlan's battle against evil.
-- The Popular People's Front of Mictlan