Re: Chronicles: Signup and Actual game-things
Since the time of the old Pantokrator's reign, a line of kings has ruled over Machaka. In name, at least. In truth, it is the priests of the old faith who hold power, and most day-to-day affairs are handled by the tribal chiefs. With one exception.
Deep in the heart of the sacred forest lies the lonely peak of God Mountain, where dwell the sorcerors who claim descent from Machaka's ancient god. They do not interfere with the affairs of the kingdom. However, whenever a new king is crowned, or whenever a new chief takes power in a tribe, he must make a journey to God Mountain. There, the sorcerors lead him through the caverns to the heart of the mountain where lies the Chamber of Silence. The tomb of the Dead God. Here each new chief spends a day in recognition of Machaka's ancient deity, cast down long ago by the Pantokrator. This contemplation in the still and the darkness gives him the strength to lead his people wisely.
A year ago, a young man named Matojo became chief of the Mhakala tribe upon the death of his elder brother. Many thought him too young, and would have placed his uncle in power instead. To still their protests, he made the long trek to God Mountain. The sorcerors led him down into the darkness, and left him to contemplate the death of a god. He sat for a long time, in that chamber where light and sound are forbidden. And then he heard a Voice...