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Old December 5th, 2008, 06:38 AM
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Hadrian_II Hadrian_II is offline
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Default Re: Chronicles: Signup and Actual game-things

Some time ago in the great undercity of Skavenblight:

It was a normal day, where myriads of rats where running in the streets, some doing their own business, some doing the business of others, some death on the floor who had just been doing business.

But today was also a little meeting in an obscure part of the town where only the most powerful and wise grey seers were allowed to participate.

Lord Kritislik Seerlord of the Skaven
Lord Keelik the Mad
Lord Queek the Knowledgeful
Lord Thanskat he who knows the Future
Lord Erlisk the Warpseer

After a long and heated discussion Kritislik takes the word "So we are in an agreement! The time of Ascension has arrived. The Skaven will finally rule the world. All praise the Horned Rat and his Emissary who will lead us in this time of joy.". Queek and Erlisk dont seem to happy about this, but as they see that the members of the council guard are ready to draw their weapons they fall silent.
Keelik: "We need still some time, the warrior clans should fall in line fast, but the great clans might not be willing to follow us as determined as we need."
Tanskat: "We will visit them starting with clan Eshin and we will have to pursuade them to join us"
Queek: "And when they agreed, they will persuade the other clans for us"

The meeting ends with an evil laughter of everyone present.
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