Thread: Wishlist Shadow Magic
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Old December 8th, 2008, 07:41 PM
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Default Shadow Magic

My attempt to design a new magic path for Dom3--to go along with my "Why magic paths are like mod Nations" thread.

Note: This is just a hastily made example of how a new path *might* work. Obviously, a better effort could be made with more work and thought put into it, and certainly a better balance. Hopefully, it will serve to illustrate the potential of new paths to benefit the overall strategy and fun of the game.

First, the bless. At 4 Shadow Magic picks, sacred units get "Strength in Darkness +1". This improves by 1 point at 6, 8, and 10. At 8 Shadow Magic picks, sacred units get Darkvision 50. If they already had Darkvision 50, they would now have Darkvision 100. I contend that this isn't overly powerful, and it serves to help nerf the "Utterdark" spell.

Mages, at Shadow Magic 5, get Stealth 0. This increases by 1 point at 6+.

Forged items might include:
Blade of the Sentinel, Const 2 1 handed magical shortsword that gives Darkvision 50% and Patrol Bonus +5.
Shadow Shield, Const 4 shield which strikes attackers with a Fear 5 attack.
Beggar's Rags, Const 4 armour which gives Stealth 0,
Rose Glass Spectacles Const 4 helm which gives Glamour,
Shadow Banner, Const 6 2-hand weapon which gives friendly units in a 5 area range, Strength in Darkness +2, and Darkvision 50%.
Slayer's Helmet, Const 6 helm which gives Stealth 5,
Ring of Night, a misc artifact which gives Stealth 25, Darkvision 100%, and Strength in Darkness +5, but also strongly horror-marks the user.
Banner of the Coming Dawn (requires Shadow and Fire magic to forge), a misc 2-hand weapon that dispels Darkness on the battlefield.

Shadow gems would *not* be alchemizeable into gold, but could be converted from Astral gems.

Possible Site:
Hall of Broken Mirrors. Uncommon, Shadow 1, Produces 1 shadow gem.
Dark Tower, Rare/Unique, Shadow 3. Produces 2 shadow gems, and allows shadow mages to enter to summon Shadow Dancers.

Generic spells:
Level 0 Alt--Shadow Hand-touch type spell that reduces target's Att and Def by 2 each, MR resists.
Level 1 Alt--Knife in the Dark--increases mage's Att and Str by 6 each for 1 attack
Level 2 Alt--Obfuscate--gives the mage Glamour.
Level 6 Alt--Sons of Hel--gives a small group of units Glamour

Level 1 Veil--touch attack, MR resists, only affects units *without* darkvision or blindness, causes the effects of blindness for the target, but only for the duration of that combat.
Level 3 Flicker Bolt--distance lifedrain attack, MR resists easily, costs 1 shadow gem
Level 5 Flicker Wave--area lifedrain attack, MR resists easily, costs 1 shadow gem
Level 7 Flicker Storm--distance lifedrain area attack, MR resists easily, costs 1 shadow gem
Level 9 Darkness Falls--Veil type attack, but affects all units, friendly and enemy, and MR easily negates. Costs 3 Shadow Gems.

Level 4 Conj--Summon Tenebrum, combat only, summons a size 6 etherial tentacle that starts with 1 Hp, and does Lifedrain Tentacle damage, gains Power in Darkness +2 and Darkvision 100%, costs 1 Shadow gem
Level 5 Conj--Shadow Dancers: summons a group of 5 stealthy/etherial human-sized units that have Darkvision 100 and get stronger in darkness.
Level 7 Conj--Master of Shadows: summons "Shadow Lord", an appropriately powerful SC.
Level 9 Tenebrous Bore, combat only, summons 8+ Tenebrums. Costs 2 shadow gems.

Level 3 Zuni Doll--sends a size 1 4 hp assassin (Zuni fetish doll) to a distance province. Costs 1 shadow gem. Zuni fetish doll is armed with a spear and a bite, and regenerates damage/heals self.

Level 2 Pinprick--A ritual distance attack spell that only does 1 point of damage but horror-marks the target. Costs 1 shadow gem.

Level 3 Shadow Walk--teleport self only spell. Costs 5 shadow gems.

Level 4 Blind Eye--shadow site detection spell.

Level 1--Shadow Mask--combat only, gives the mage 100% darkvision.
Level 8--Shadow Company--combat only, gives all friendly units 50% darkvision, cost 2 Shadow Gems.

Pretenders might include: Daughter of Night--titan sized female Pretender with 2 shadow magic, produces 1 shadow gem per turn.
Mother Night--female rainbow mage with 1 shadow magic.
Grandfather of Assassins--male lich immortal assassin with Stealth 30, shadow and death magic, glamour, armed with 2 serpent kryss's. Summons shades in battle. Unlike other Liches, costs 60 for new paths.
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