Originally Posted by Gregstrom
Thing is, Honey, it's not difficult to have ideas. For that matter, it's not incredibly difficult to have good and/or interesting ideas.
Implementing them is the tricky bit, and I think Max is trying to point out how much work would be involved in the implementation.
Pretty much. I actually think HoneyBadger's ideas are generally very cool and would make a neat game. It's just that Dom3 is a computer game, not a board game, so adding new ideas requires more than writing them into the appendix. Even in a board game, actually, it takes a certain amount of work to "implement" ideas cleanly in such a way that you can play out a battle without sixteen different rulebooks, four retroactive alterations to outcomes which were computed incorrectly because of overlooked rules, and two arguments over special ability interpretations involving immovable objects and irresistable forces. (I'm looking at YOU, D&D.)
Anyway, KO has posted so there's no real point in my arguing further.