Usually I let others start these threads and plug the games on my server but the CBM group seems to stay so empty compared to the other game types on the server that I thought Id try and pitch one.
Game Name:
Game Server:
Conceptual Balance ver 1.3
2 Middle Age
Turn Times:
24 hours or when everyone turns in a turn
MAP: a randomly generated map of 50 provinces. Here is a view of it.
Status of the game such as who needs to do a turn and the amount of time until the next hosting can always be found on this screen without having to login into Dom3 to check.
This version has the VERY popular mod "Worthy Heroes" included in it.
CBM stands for Conceptual Balance Mod.
Author: quantum_mechani
Desc: Makes a huge number of changes to vanilla Dom3 in order to create a better balance and provoke the use of more varied strategies.
The version I have presently on my server is which is available for download here..
You must download it and unpack it to your dominions3/mods directory. You must use the "Preferences" in the initial menu screen of dominions to enable the mod so you can then use the Create Gods menu to make a god to play with. You can then un-enable the mod if you wish so that it will not affect other games and gods you start later. Everytime you play a turn on a CBm game then Dom3 will automatically turn it on, and turn it off when you leave.
Please post the nation you are interested in and your time zone. I would love to see some blitz games (many turns very fast) using the CHAT feature on the menu at the top of this forum. If we can get players in the same time zone (we can always split the games for more time zones) then we can create a room off the main chat for some continual ingame oohs and ahhs.