Thread: New Wishes
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Old December 11th, 2008, 04:58 AM
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Default Re: New Wishes

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
Cast X Where X is any spell of any level 7 or lower, with minimal gems to cast the spell. Aka a wish to Cast Awaken Treelord

Plague of Rats - rats consume 2d20 food supply in every province
Plague of Lice - 10% chance every unit becomes diseased.
Plague of Lies - 2d20 unrest in every province.

Blessings of harvest - +2d20 food supply in every province.
What do you Wish for? - Awaken Treelord

This would be good, because it's something you might try if you don't know what works.

However, the Plague of X things don't work, because you'd have to know them. You can't guess them. The effects are nice, though, so I think those effects should be replaced with:

Famine - amount of supplied reduced to 33% of normal in all provinces for several turns
Plague - units are randomly diseased and little population dies over several turns' time
War - increases unrest everywhere and randomly causes barbarians, knights, villains, ronin etc etc to attack random provinces for several turns
Death - would stay as-is, killing the mage who casts Wish. Curiosity, eh?

Is blessings of harvest really necessary? Wishing for "food" or "supply" already creates several supply-items in your lab, for several hundreds' supply points' worth of supply, and +40 supply in every province wouldn't do much even if it was permanent, and it shouldn't be.

What do you Wish for? - Undone.
Stop all multi-turn effects from previous Wishes (Armageddon and the new suggested features), casts an unboosted dispel against all Globals and causes a MR-negates high-dam attack against all magic beings. This keyword should be checked as one of the first, and if this is found no further keywords are looked for.

What do you Wish for? - Creation. Genesis. Beginning.
Creates 100 units from Crossbreeding in the caster's province, summons 100 random animals as per the Nature ritual in the caster's province, increases population in the province by 1000 and makes the caster 10 years younger.

What do you Wish for? - Eternal Life. Health. Immortality.
Gives Boots of Youth and two Bottles of Life to the caster or, if he doesn't have the slots, puts them to laboratory. In addition, makes the caster 10 years younger and removes disease.

What do you Wish for? - Salvation.
Summons some angels. Not Seraph or Chayot, but perhaps 4-5 angels under their level of power. Also halves the amount of kills the caster has caused.

What do you think an unspoiled player would Wish for?
"I want to be a Lord of all Creation."
"Genesis Undone"
"Four Riders of the Apocalypse"
"Gift of Reason" -> proceeds to choose a creature from a list
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