Re: New Wishes
Eyes - add 2 eyes
Size - Increases Size by 1 (Max 6). Increases HP 16%. Increase MR 1. Increases action pts, increases strength by 2.
Blood Vengeance - Adds or increases blood vengeance
Luck - makes you lucky
Flight - gives you wings
Speed - adds action point & increases mapmove 1
Health - heals you of all afflictions
Heal X - heals X of all ailments.
Remove Curse on X - Removes all cursed items from X and puts them in your Lab
Staff of Healing (or Aesculapius Staff) gives a staff that confers healing 50
See the Future - For the next 10 turns - you know the random events for your nation, one turn in advance.
Drain - Puts up a Global called drain. all units subtract 5 from their reinvig, per turn whilst the global is up.
Last edited by chrispedersen; December 11th, 2008 at 10:52 AM..