Could you please find another relevant source? One beginning with...
"YOU CHOSE a visit to a wind-farm in early summer 2008 to devote an entire campaign speech to the reassertion of your belief in the apocalyptic vision of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change - a lurid and fanciful account of imagined future events that was always baseless, was briefly exciting among the less thoughtful species of news commentators and politicians, but is now scientifically discredited. (???)
With every respect, there is no rational basis for your declared intention that your great nation should inflict upon her own working people and upon the starving masses of the Third World the extravagantly-pointless, climatically-irrelevant, strategically-fatal economic wounds that the arrogant advocates of atmospheric alarmism admit they aim to achieve.*"
...doesn't seem totally unbiased
(they admit they aim to achieve pointless economical wounds to their own countries? ma lol!)
Originally Posted by MaxWilson
There's no way to know why New Orleans has snow but it's not evidence of anything relating to global temperatures, yet.
Nobody here has actually claimed undisputed "evidence" for that.
PPS: I suggest a big OT in the thread's title