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Old December 11th, 2008, 07:51 PM

Illuminated One Illuminated One is offline
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Default Re: Someone cast Wolven Winter on New Orleans!

About 15 years ago we often used to have snow so high that I could sink in completely in the hinterland (ok, I was a kid back then but I was not that small ). Every winter people went ice skating on frozen lakes. Now for several winters we got maybe 30cm snow at max and going onto the ice is madness (except of course if you don't mind walking home in slowly freezing clothes ). So here the climate has definitely changed.
I won't say that this is due to GW or that we will all die because of GW but I wouldn't dismiss it easily.
The main problem is imo that it has been blown up to giant proportions by the media and activists.

Originally Posted by MaxWilson
By the way, it looks like Monckton was incorrect about sublimation being the primary mechanism, at least according to Molg. Molg concludes that air temperatures are unimportant, and that direct solar radiation is the driver behind the recession. (I.e. it is "melting" after all. At least I think that's what he's saying.)
Hmm, this should probably support the sun-is-getting-hotter-theory?
I can see two problems with that (I haven't fully read through the article though):

First is that measuring the air temperature at a glacier probably doesn't mean too much. When there's ice involved there will be a thermodynamic equilibrium even if there's warm material pumped into the system.
When you have a drink with ice cubes in it and pour in more warm drink the temperature will be the same as before after some minutes only the ice cubes are getting less. I don't know if the glacier situation is exceptional for some reason though.

Second point is that it's quite a jump from it's not the air to it's direct sun radiation.
What about radiation reflected by the atmosphere (which according to global warming should be getting higher)?

Yeah, you could even rise a third point - what about humidity levels? Would be also a relevant factor and the article seems to say they have changed.
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