Originally Posted by Illuminated One
About 15 years ago we often used to have snow so high that I could sink in completely in the hinterland (ok, I was a kid back then but I was not that small  ). Every winter people went ice skating on frozen lakes. Now for several winters we got maybe 30cm snow at max and going onto the ice is madness (except of course if you don't mind walking home in slowly freezing clothes  ). So here the climate has definitely changed.
Moreover, the Hudson used to freeze so solid that Washington counted on being able to drag his cannons across on the ice. Not any more. The climate has changed. And before that, it used to be much hotter during the Medieval Warm Period than it is today, so much so that there were dairy farms in Greenland. (IIRC, Iceland just brought in its first barley crop in centuries sometime this past year.) Yes, climate changes. Which direction is it changing in now, since the year 2000? (The evidence that it's still getting hotter is weak, although the evidence that it's starting to cool is even weaker.)
Your other questions and observations (air temperature, etc.) are good too. Thank you. I wish everyone had your attitude.
P.S. I actually don't necessarily think the study in question supports the sun-is-getting-hotter theory so much as it supports the local-effects-usually-have-local-causes theory.