Hey, it's a heated issue, Max! *rimshot*
But seriously, I understand, I was getting a little riled myself, and as much as it's a good thing to maintain control of one's self in a disagreement, it's equally a good thing to not get upset if your opponent gets a bit terse or combative.
Anyway, all evidence points towards a warming trend that has been lasting for thousands of years now. That coupled with the fact that most life on Earth exists between 35° and 105° Fahrenheit, and it becomes rather important, especially when you talk about an anomolous 1/2 degree jump in 30 years. Globally. That is an enormous amount of material to warm or cool in a measurable manner.
The air is warming, we can see there is consistently (there's that word again!) less snowpack than in decades past, and glaciers are very rapidly receding.
The sea is warming, we can see that arctic/antarctic ice is melting away from passages never before clear in history, also coral reefs that live in very delicate ecosystems, and took thousands of years to grow, are dying off because the water temperatures are rising.
The sad part of all of this, is that everytime any kind of liberal and/or environmental issue surfaces, there is a subculture that is wildly ignorant to any actual facts, who are more than eager to champion that cause, and make total asses out of everyone else who is trying to work off of facts. Meanwhile, this causes a knee-jerk response in more conservative types, who see this obviously reactionary activity, and try to end it. Sometimes the roles are reversed, but for some reason the wildly ignorant conservatives (race-hate-mongers, etc) manage to not scream so loudly as the liberals.

But it all makes it hard for us to converge on the facts, and come to agreement as to what those facts actually mean.