Thread: New Wishes
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Old December 12th, 2008, 01:25 AM

sum1lost sum1lost is offline
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Default Re: New Wishes

Originally Posted by Dectilon View Post
'Cowardice': Cancels all attack orders for that turn.

'Rage': All commanders commanding an army of a certain size (say 40 units minimum) have a change to get a randomly initiated attack order. Commanders who fail a morale test are unaffected, and commanders already issued an attack order are unaffected. If there's no enemy province or army within reach a move order towards the closest one is issued.

'# Wishes (For example 1000 Wishes)': The caster instantly dies and some unseen force steals one of your magic items from your laboratory, or some gems if you don't have one there.

Maybe that's too imbalanced, but I thought it could be pretty funny to use once in a while

I like Undone and Genesis, but Health looks a bit weak. Why not give the caster immortality + a bunch of base hit points. It's just one caster anyway, and it has to be boosted to S9. That's not the most common thing ever
Immortal astral mage says teleporting minddueler to me. I've created pretenders with this in mind.
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